Miart 2024

Anaïs Horn

The Windows - solo show

11 - 14. April 2024

MLZ Art Dep is happy to announce his participation to Miart 2024 with the new solo project of the austrian artist living in Paris Anaïs Horn: The Windows, born during her residence time in ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program) in NYC in 2022 and developed in Paris.
The Windows as sites of imagination–windows as transparent boundaries and passages between public and private–return as motifs in the works of Anaïs Horn. They show interior and exterior spaces and windows as borders and connections between these two spheres. Windows of private houses and flats stand for intimacy and security, while in the world outside the window, the urban living space is represented. The window frames the imagined existence of the stranger, but the pane of glass is also a transmitter between the “outside” and the “inside” life, allowing the two to merge, removing the distance between them and making the existence of one without the other impossible.


Vienna Contemporary